Sp-9 – “Damp,” blood sugar, infections, edema

The Spleen* likes to be warm and dry. With our wet weather here, lots of Portland people have Damp issues.  Sp-9  (Yin Ling Quan) will drain damp, usually through urination. It can be used to treat bladder & urinary tract infections, chronic yeast infections, hepatitis, jaundice, and leg edema. It’s also a good long term treatment point for diabetes.

Sp-9Sp-9 lies in the depression posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia. The easiest way to find it is to run your thumb up the edge of the bone on the inside of your lower leg until it falls into a hole. It will drain damp, usually through urination. It can be used to treat bladder & urinary tract infections, chronic yeast infections, hepatitis, jaundice, and leg edema. If this Sp-9 is active (meaning, it needs some attention!), it’ll be quite sore.

Press gently for 10-20 seconds, with healing intention.

* Remember that in Chinese medicine, the Spleen is an energetic concept and should not be confused with your anatomical organ, the spleen.


GB-34 (any muscle / tendon issue, knee pain, Damp Heat)

GB-34 is Yang Ling Quan (Yang Mound Spring). The name refers to its location on the Yang aspect of the leg. GB-34 is the Ruler of the Sinews (musculoskeletal system), so it will treat muscles, ligaments, and tendons anywhere in the body. It’s particularly effective for knee problems, due to its location. GB-34 can also be used to treat issues like jaundice, nausea, and vomiting. It’s also good for treating Damp Heat, but that’s a fairly complicated Chinese medicine concept related to infection. Ask me if you’re curious.

GB-34 is about an inch anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula. First, find the head of the fibula. This is a knob of bone on the side of your leg,  just below the knee, towards the back. Now slide your finger forward and down into a small dip. It will be tight or tender if treatment is appropriate: Press firmly for 20-30 seconds, with healing intention.