Saturday, Feb 21st, 10am-1pm and 2-5pm (two identical classes – pick one), I’m holding another session of my intensive, 3 hr hands-on medical massage class. The concepts are easy to understand, but you’ll get advanced results. Learn how to ease tight muscles and relax your loved ones with a gentle, intelligent touch. NO massage or anatomy experience required! I’ll show you how to use the neurological system into tricking muscles into behaving, and how to erase scar tissue.
This class is appropriate for every body, since I will show you how to tailor your work to your partner’s needs. Please note that you will be learning Osteopathic techniques, NOT traditional massage. Techniques include myofascial release, exhaustion release, counterstrain, and percussion. Handouts will be provided. If the class goes smashingly well, we may have time for a 6th bonus technique. Bring a partner or come alone: We will practice on each other.
The class is limited to 8 people to ensure that I can provide lots of hands-on feedback and instruction: Make your payment now to reserve your spot! $75 per person, or $130 for a pair. Please call 503-964-3422 if you have any questions! I hold this massage class once or twice a year. You can always swing by the office, or I take Paypal (sharon@rosecityacupunctur
This will be the last time I can hold this class until I get into a new venue, so I encourage you to come if you can!
NOTE: as of 1/29 I have 3 spaces left for 10-1, and one left for 2-5.