UPDATE 4/28/24: Masks are completely optional. I will be happy to wear a mask if it makes you more comfortable. I am still using a contagious disease screening email 24 hrs before every appointment, because I’ve really enjoyed not having colds for the past 4 years, and I think it makes sense to continue to protect my most fragile patients. I have eliminated the vaccine requirement, because by now everyone has been exposed enough to have natural antibodies. I’m leaving the earlier guidelines in place below for historical reasons, but they are no longer binding.
UPDATE 4/3/23: Masks are now optional in healthcare settings. I will continue to mask, and encourage you to do so if possible to help protect my more fragile patients.
I’m currently seeing people who are either fully vaccinated OR strictly isolating in person. Because many of my patients fall into the higher risk categories, I am taking all possible precautions to reduce our exposure to Covid-19. If you can’t isolate or get vaccinated, read about my telehealth appointments here!
“Fully vaccinated” means two weeks past your second shot (or single J&J shot).
If not fully vaccinated, please limit your potential exposures in the TWO WEEKS before your appointment.
PLEASE don’t make an appointment if you’re unvaccinated and you (and spouses, parents, children, or anyone else you live with or have contact with) cannot stay isolated before coming in. Remember that exposing me means also exposing the rest of my patients, including the medically fragile. Please be considerate and careful.
Here are the full details:
1) Changes to the office (the Oregon Health Authority guidelines are here)
UV-C air sanitizers have been placed in each room.
Plastic sheeting is under the linens, and is sanitized between each patient. Of course sheets will continue to be changed between each patient, as always.
There is a touchless hand sanitizer (alcohol) dispenser in the waiting room for your use.
The new location opens right to the parking lot, so there are no hallways or bathrooms shared with the unscreened public.
2) My actions:
I’ll be wiping down surfaces between each patient.
I’ll be masked (N95) and wearing a shield for close contact (neck & facial work).
You’ll get an automated email screening the day before you come in. Please complete it, every time. If you are sick, have had any symptoms in the past 2 weeks, or have been exposed to someone you know is sick in the past two weeks, I cannot treat you.
I have touchless methods of payment (credit cards via square, paypal, venmo). I can also take cash, but will not have change handy.
I am, of course, fully vaccinated.

3) Changes you’ll make:
You will get a Covid screening email 24 hrs before each appointment. Please complete it. :)
As noted above, masks are optional but appreciated.
Please do not bring your entourage. Although I usually enjoy seeing your family and friends, I am limiting companions to those needed for medical disability or language translation.
If you arrive early, please wait in your car or outside the building. I will not be able to take you early. Please keep in mind I am spacing patients apart both for extra cleaning time in between, and to allow potential air particles to settle.
I know this all sounds like a lot.
I know this is scary.

By being smart about this, and taking precautions, we can get back to normal life as soon as possible.

Ok, now that you’ve read all that, please schedule online here, or call me (503-964-3422) to book or ask questions. I’m looking forward to seeing you!