Du-20, BaiHui (Hundred Meetings)
BaiHui is located on the top of the head, in a subtle depression above the tips of the ears. It can be used to treat a vast variety of complaints. It can improve sleep, sooth internal Wind, clear an overactive mind, and even treat an epileptic seizure.* Du-30 is also terrific for lifting energy, so applications include hemorrhoids, prolapsed uterus, and chronic diarrhea.
If you are having trouble falling asleep, or if you wake with a nightmare: Put one fingertip on Du-20, and one on Du-24, a half-inch inside the hairline (or where it used to be) in the center of your forehead. Point your fingers towards each other and press gently with a calm, healing intention for about 10 ten seconds. This combo is great for any type of sleep disturbance, and works best if someone else can perform it for you.
* People with new or unexplained seizures should always be seen immediately by a doctor. In the case of repeated, benign seizures, turn the patient on his or her side, pad the head from impact with the floor, and gently press a fingertip into DU-20.