I’m getting a lot of questions about daith piercings that supposedly help you lose weight or stop migraines. These are a bad idea.
1) Piercers are NOT licensed to practice medicine. There is a reason we go to school for all those years, have to pass national tests, and maintain state licenses. They don’t know how much they don’t know.
2) They are using the WRONG points! Here’s an actual map of the ear:

There are about 100 points on the ear. Millimeters matter – sloppy “daith piercing” placement by an inexperienced piercer is asking for trouble!
Here’s that migraine article again. It contains a better set of acupressure points you can use yourself.
3) Obliterating the point can give temporary relief to some, but metal piercings will cause more stagnation and problems long term. You’re setting yourself up for more pain down the road. Read this.
This is why you’ll see articles online talking about mixed results with daith piercings. The problem isn’t with acupuncture…. it’s that they aren’t using acupuncture! Even professional piercers admit they are not a legitimate treatment method.