Another good “on the run” food. Make this low carb egg casserole ahead for a convenient breakfast! I made it to take for a LARPing weekend.
The original experiment, with sausage, as described below. Sorry, it smelled so good I forgot to take a picture until it was mostly gone…
If you are strictly Paleo, you can skip the quinoa. If not, cook up a cup (with two cups water) but stop before it’s all the way done – “al dente” is a good goal. Drain off any excess water. Brown 1 lb of sausage (I *love* the Country Sage bulk sausage at New Seasons) in a large skillet with high sides – it reduces the dishwashing later. When it’s done, take it off the heat and mix in the quinoa and a dozen eggs right in the skillet. I actually did this last night with 8 eggs, since that’s what I had, and they came out fine, but I tend to buy XL eggs. You can add in spinach, mushrooms, broccoli, zucchini, onion… you get the idea. Depending on how heavily seasoned the sausage was, add in some spices. Salt, pepper, dill, etc. Of course you can experiment with ground beef, turkey, or chicken. If you are vegetarian, use mushrooms in this low carb egg casserole instead of meat.
You can use a casserole dish or muffin tins. These won’t rise much, so go ahead and fill the tins pretty full. If you used quinoa and/or lots of veggies, it won’t all fit in one muffin tray. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 min. If you are doing dairy, sprinkle some grated cheddar on top about 5 min before the end.
Here’s a version with quinoa, eggs, spinach, pepper bacon, and a little cheese on top. I made both the bacon and the quinoa first, then threw them in the dish with the raw eggs and spinach. Baked at 350 until done.
These give you protein and some fat (great in the morning!) and some slower-burning carbs. Good stuff for running around in the woods killing bad guys with foam swords! Or, you know, paperwork at the office.